Different Between Sittercity Promo Code and Coupon Links

Sittercity.com Promo Link and Code : What's the different?
Some might be confused when trying Sittercity Promo Code that are available in our site. The Maximum Promo Code for Sittercity.com is not 50% OFF since those available and active code for sitter city will only give just 15% Maximum ( see more in homepage )

Now, What is the different between the coupon link and the promo code itself? The Sittercity Coupon Link, once click, it will redirect you to the page that already have discount on ( see the image below )

By using the coupon link you'll be landed on a completely different page which will give you instant discount at 15%. However, if you do think that the coupon code that you have would give more discount than 15%. Then try to enter Sittercity.com homepage and rush to registration and enter the coupon code in the box provided.

Will There be any different with the Link & Code?
The answer is NO. Either Promo code directly from Sittercity.com and Coupon Link will give the same discount result. There won't be any problem during checkout and after you've registered with Sittercity.com