Sittercity Competencies related to the physical care of children

• Perform tasks related to the physical care of children

• Maintain appropriate hygienic standards for children regarding bathing, hand washing, and care of the hair and teeth

• Feed, change, and bathe infants

• Prepare infant feedings and care for feeding equipment

• Select clothing appropriate to the child’s physical/social activities

• Plan and supervise rest, bed, and nap times

• Plan and prepare nutritionally balanced meals and snacks

• Care for the mildly ill child

• Recognize symptoms of common childhood illnesses

• Keep accurate records

• Perform appropriate first-aid techniques

• Handle emergency situations

• Observe appropriate safety precautions when traveling with children

Competencies related to domestic tasks and care of the child’s environment:

• Perform domestic tasks related to care and maintenance of the child’s areas of the home such as bedrooms, playrooms, bathrooms, and outside play space

• Launder and make simple repairs to children’s clothing

• Observe safety precautions appropriate to a private home coupon